Back in 2003-04 I discovered the world of webcomics, and eventually made my own. It was about as good as you'd expect from a homeschooled teen with MSPaint and a headful of pop culture; full of LoL RaNdUmB Xd humor and jokes stolen from failed sitcoms and obscure media. Eventually it morphed into having an actual plot, inspired by a short film made by one of the creators I watched on Newgrounds. The film is as lost as the original comic, but a trailer remains here. I don't remember when or why I deleted it, but it is for intents and purposes, lost media.

Fairly recently though, I decided to take a trip down memory lane (big suprise, look at the site name) and try to find any shred of my former comic to cringe at my adolescent attempts at art. I even contacted the current owner of the site it was hosted on;, now known as The Duck Webcomics, to no avail. The server they hosted all of the comics before 2005 were corrupted. Even if that wasn't the case, some of later the pages I did in Flash and were uploaded as .swf files. However there is one thing, while also corrupted and outdated, still functions; my memory.

So that's why we are today: I'm going to recreate Cod is Dead, warts and all. I'll be using Asesprite instead of MSpaint, and might add a few more pages to flesh out the the gaps in the "plot" and the ones in my memory. As well as adding some "author's notes" so anyone reading can see where I was at the time as well to laugh at myself.

The only thing to address now is why I am doing this. Well, Cod is Dead was my first and most successful creative endeavor, and that's sad. I hope by recreating I can improve my skills and learn from the past to make something better in the future. Well enough self-deprecating and rambling, let's dig up and old memories.